Feline Vaccinations

Feline Vaccinations

Feline ‘core’ vaccinations (F3) convey immunity to feline enteritis (panleucopenia) and ‘cat flu’ (feline herpes virus type 1 and feline calicivirus). Complete Vaccination (F5 and FIV) also protects against Chlamydia, Feline Leukaemia and Feline AIDS.

Kittens require three vaccinations to convey full immunity against these infectious and potentially fatal diseases. Kittens receive a full health check and vaccine administration at:
  • 6 weeks (F3)
  • 10 weeks (F5 and FIV)
  • 12 weeks (FIV)
  • 14 weeks (F5 and FIV)

Cats require a booster vaccination every 12 months to maintain immunity.

If your pet is due for vaccination please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment.

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07 4184 9466
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